Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Short Update

It's been a long long (i mean like, super long!) time i din't blog in english..
Perhaps the 1st reason for me to start of blogging (improve my english writing skill) has been abandoned deep down the earth? d midst of my critical period (yay..assign-due-date-soon-period), i sumhw found a lil time to blog..jz a short break for me..away fr my tonnes of stressing-stuff..

It's been busy and tough sem..u know i know y n's my final sem of 4 years uni life =) 
Ever since i back fr Taiwan trip (oh ya this reminds me of my super extra LOTS TONNES of foto tat i haven arrange to be posted up can check out the 1st n 2nd day of the wonderful trip on my FB^^)(others stil under progress...hoho) and start of my this very final sem..i've been really busy with my thesis aka final year project..with lots of labs..labs..and..LABs...jz to let me feel better n enjoyed happily during CNY hols..
N yea, i've back to KL for CNY hols for 2 weeks!! (which include extra week tat i skipped class n asked my coursemates favor to help me sign attendance, ;P) 
After battery-fully-charged-hols.. i back to reality..continue with my labs..lectures..thesis Chap 4 and 5..n i've been covered with fully stress-to-the-max when come to mid term exam(which i totally hv no idea how i gone through it since i really did last minute study, AGAIN  argh! >_<) thr goes my mid term =(

And now..i thk i've finish all my labs n gona analyse data with SPSS..n i found out this is another nightmare!! i wonder y we hv statistic course during our 1st year instead of final year..i've thrown away all my knowledges wat i learned tat time which means = i hv totally no idea how to analyse my data! ah!!  so now i hv to try here click there to figure out how to input output my data..n im really need to accelerate my speed to complete this thesis draft in no time! due date on Mid of April and a more cruel fact is tat..i hv 4 assign in hand which due on the same day!! STRESS TO THE MAX!!!!!! (allow me to shout like nobody business AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Thanx, i feel better ^_^ haha

A rainy windy night~
I think i shud hv a good night sleep now since tml is another new day for me to keep on fighting!
Btw, tml's night gonna celebrate coursemate's im gona waste no time in daytime to contribute at least few more pages to my thesis! がんばて!

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