Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Help needed! Jz 1 sec =)


Thr r ppl winning daily!

I wish i can bcum 1 of them too ;)

Help me by clicking this


Then u might join this as well n of course i will help u out too! ^__^


Feel like joining too?

Firstly, go to SAYS.my

Register as member

Then click this ur personal contest link

U r on for d Birthday Giveaways!

Ain't it jz simple?

u should able to c sumthg like d following:

Are you a Malaysian?
Do you use Twitter? Facebook?
SAYS.my has some presents for you:

I've made my choices, hw abt u?
My Grand Prizes Wishlist
My Consolation Prizes Wishlist

Last step, enter the daily lucky draw

Participate every day to qualify for the daily lucky draw.
Each day is a new day to increase your chances of winning!

 One again, Thanx for helping me out!

& rmb to tell me ur URL so tat i can help u out too!!

Good Day n Good Luck!! 

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